
Thursday, 31 July 2014

How DOES she do it?

"Mum your bum wobbles". Yeah, you heard the boy, I can't deny it BUT the conversation did not end there. Let me set the scene for you. It's Wednesday morning and I'm driving the boys across town to daycare, We aren't running late but that might be because I skipped having a shower and opted for the messy bun / headwrap combo... these things are just a necessity around here... much like coffee.... but back to the bum talk.

Topknot Girl double headwrap

"Maybe your skin just isn't attached to your bones Mum"... "yeah" the little one agree's. So they have it all figured out! Who can really argue with that logic anyway. But the fault of said "wobbly bum" isn't that my skin isn't attached to my bones. It's that I'm not a tightrope walker you see....


You see people are always asking me "how do you do it?" "How do you make so many dresses in a week?",  "what's you best advice for balancing work and family life?" "How can you work with your children at home?" "how do you balance work and family time?".

There's that word BALANCE....


You will always have more things to do than you have time for. You prioritise, you set goals and organise yourself properly. If you work from home you will always neglect something... I gave up ironing. I have no need for a professional wardrobe anymore, TICK... One less thing to worry about.

YES, I am forced to say "No honey, Mummy is working" on occasion. Don't feel guilty! That's life. You're working to help support them, they'll appreciate that they had a strong female role model when they grow up.

Have I done my book work in the last 12 months? NOPE.... epic fail! Must rectify that this financial year.

Back to the bum....You can't do everything. Forget about all of your friends status's about the 10km's they ran this morning followed by the best up dog down dog she's ever had. Don't worry about the Academy award winning lunchbox extravaganza that kid in preschool had today.Do your thing... wobbly bum and all!

PS searching google images about "balance" is not at all helpful... just don't do it to yourself, you'll be headed for that bottle of moscato quicker than your non wobbly bum exercise friend runs to a Lorna Jane sale!

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